Scholarship and Special Interest Programme
The Scholarship and Special Interest Progamme (SSIP) is an integral and important component of our medical programme and the SSIP assessments contribute to the award of the medical degree. The SSIP allows you to develop research and scholarship skills through working on subjects or areas of study that particularly interest you.
In your elective period in Year 5, students can choose where and what they study for several weeks. This can include developing a greater understanding and practical experience of research in medicine.
You will present your experience from your final year elective at our annual elective poster and presentation conference. We also offer funding to assist with costs to students who have been invited to present at a research conference.
Hull York Medical School is part of INSPIRE, a national programme coordinated by the Academy of Medical Sciences and funded by the Wellcome Trust to encourage medical students to get involved in research.
We have received funding since 2014 to sponsor research activities, including student projects, an annual student conference, workshops, and support for application to the Academic Foundation Programme.