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Professor Peter Bazira and school students in the anatomy lab


We are committed to supporting talented people from underrepresented backgrounds to fulfil their ambition of studying Medicine – and consequently, tomorrow’s doctors better reflecting the patient population.


Widening participation in Medicine: A collaboration of UK medical schools

We are committed to supporting talented people from all backgrounds to fulfil their ambition of studying Medicine, ensuring that tomorrow’s doctors better reflect the diverse patient population.

We are proud to be part of UKWPMED, an innovative collaboration of seven medical schools across the UK, to enhance the opportunity for applicants from widening participation backgrounds to study Medicine.

The scheme is open to students in Year 13 who complete a recognised widening participation programme at a participating UKWPMED medical school.

Medical students and their clinician supervisor on a clinical placement in ED at Hull Royal Infirmary
Medicine student and a GP with a patient at Brough GP Surgery
Students practising taking bloods in clinical skills

Benefits of the UKWPMED

Interview and offer

The UKWPMED participating medical schools recognise the widening participation programmes at each other’s institutions as part of their admissions process.

Participants can choose to apply to study Medicine at one (or more) of the participating medical schools and will be offered the benefits of an interview and alternative (lower) offer to study. This is subject to the eligibility criteria listed below.

Conditions of any reduced offer may vary for each institution. At Hull York alternative offers are only for firm choices, not insurance. Please check with each institution.

Participating medical schools

The following medical schools are participants in the scheme. Widening participation programmes normally cater to local widening participation students. If there is a course local to you in this list, please visit their website to check your eligibility and how to participate.

Eligibility criteria

  • The UKWPMED scheme is open only to applications for A100 Medicine in the 2025 application cycle.
  • The scheme is open to Year 13 students. Medical schools may not consider applicants as part of the UKWPMED scheme if they have completed Year 13 at the time of application (check with the medical school before applying).
  • Medical schools will consider only UKWPMED applicants who are classified as home status, and each medical school will follow their own procedures for determining this status.
  • Applications must successfully complete one of the participating widening participation programmes. Successful completion is defined by each programme.
  • Applicants must meet the pre-A Level academic requirements for each medical school to which an application is made.
  • Applicants must meet the UCAT requirements for each medical school to which an application is made.

A level resits – Each medical school has its own policy regarding resits. You will need to discuss with the medical school you are applying to whether they will be able to offer you any benefits under the UKWPMED scheme.

Gap years – If you wish to take a gap year, either you should apply for deferred entry, or, if your application is successful, request that your offer is deferred. Please check with your medical school before applying. For deferral requests received after an application is submitted, each medical school will consider those requests according to its own policy.

How to apply

Applications to study Medicine are made through UCAS in the standard way. Please note this scheme is open to A100 Medicine applications only.

To be eligible for the scheme, you will need to include details about your participation in the UKWPMED in your UCAS application.

You can apply to one or more of the participating medical schools.

By applying as part of UKWPMED through UCAS, you are consenting to allow each medical school to check your eligibility by contacting the medical school where you completed your widening participation programme.

How to add your participation in your UCAS application

Please follow these instructions to include the required information in your application:

1. Select the 'Extra activities' section in your application. 

UCAS application form - Activities section

2. Select ‘Add activity’ and complete the details as follows:

  • Select Masterclass / subject insight from the 'Type of activity' dropdown list
  • Select UKWPMED from the ‘Activity provider’ dropdown list
  • In the Name of the medical school and programme, provide the name of the course as above
  • Choose the start and end dates of your programme in the date fields
UCAS application form navigation for extra activities

What happens after you have applied

Applicants will follow the medical school’s usual admissions process for A100 Medicine applicants. Medical schools will invite successful applicants to an interview. All medical schools will follow their own admissions procedures, check with your medical school.

As part of the collaborative project all students will get the same consideration whether they are from the host widening participating programme or from another.

Please be aware that an interview or offer at one school does not guarantee an interview at another.