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Entry requirements for Medicine

Find out our entry requirements which applicants need to meet to be considered for admission onto our MB BS Medicine programme.

Eligibility criteria

All applicants must meet the following essential requirements:

  • Must be aged 18 or over on the 1 October in the year you enrol on to the programme. Applicants are welcome to apply for deferred entry, to enable them to meet this requirement.
  • Must have achieved 6 GCSEs (or equivalent) in the grade range 9/A* - 4/C by the time of application*
  • Must have achieved, or be working towards, grade 6/B or better in GCSE English Language (or equivalent)**
  • Must have achieved, or be working towards, grade 6/B or better in GCSE Maths (or equivalent)**
  • Must have achieved or be working towards three A Levels, studied and awarded concurrently, or an equivalent qualification
  • Must have both Biology and Chemistry at A Level equivalent standard
  • Must sit the UCAT in the year of application, and achieve an SJT Band score of 1, 2, or 3
  • Must be applying within 3 years of completing the qualification they intend to use for entry
  • Must also meet the additional requirements for their entry qualification as detailed below

*Applicants whose education system does not include an equivalent to GCSEs, or who have undertaken an approved Access programme, will be scored for interview selection according to an upscaled UCAT.

**GCSE resits to achieve the entry requirement are accepted

Entry requirements by qualification

All applicants must also meet the requirements for their entry qualification as detailed below.

A levels

Applicants must complete three A Levels, studied and awarded concurrently, to include both Biology and Chemistry.

All third subjects are accepted excluding General Studies, Applied Science, Citizenship, and Critical Thinking, but must be distinct. We do not consider Biology and Human Biology to be distinct subjects.

A Levels must be achieved within a three year period. Where Biology and Chemistry were not taken in the first sitting of A Levels, AAA must have been achieved in the first sitting with AA achieved in Biology and Chemistry within 1 year of subsequent study.

Applicants may repeat or restart Year 12 a single time with no restrictions.

Applicants who are repeating or who have repeated Year 13 must have achieved a minimum score of BBB in their A Levels in their initial sitting. We are unable to accept equivalence; a minimum score of B must have been achieved in all subjects.

Applicants applying with predicted grades should have a prediction of no lower than AAB. Applicants who are enrolled on one of our recognised longitudinal Widening Participation Programmes who are eligible for our Alternative Offer may apply with predicted grades of ABB

Applicants applying with achieved grades must have either met the offer requirement, or be resitting to achieve the offer requirement.

A levels and Welsh Baccalaureate

We accept the Welsh Baccalaureate as equivalent to a third A Level.

Applicants must complete three A Levels, or two A Levels plus the Welsh Baccalaureate, studied concurrently, to include both Biology and Chemistry at A Level.

All third subjects are accepted excluding General Studies, Applied Science, Citizenship, and Critical Thinking, but must be distinct. We do not consider Biology and Human Biology to be distinct subjects.

A Levels and the Welsh Baccalaureate must be completed within a three year period.

Applicants may repeat or restart Year 12 a single time with no restrictions.

Applicants who are repeating or who have repeated Year 13 must have achieved a minimum score of BBB in their A Levels, or A Levels + Welsh Baccalaureate, in their initial sitting. We are unable to accept equivalence; a minimum score of B must have been achieved in all subjects.

Applicants applying with predicted grades should have a prediction of no lower than AAB.

Applicants who are enrolled on one of our recognised longitudinal Widening Participation Programmes who are eligible for our Alternative Offer may apply with predicted grades of ABB.

Applicants applying with achieved grades must have either met the offer requirement, or be resitting to achieve the offer requirement.

A level and Single BTEC

Applicants must meet the essential entry requirements for all applicants

We will accept a BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate as equivalent to a third A level

Applicants must complete two A levels plus a BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate, studied concurrently, to include both Biology and Chemistry at A level

All third subjects are accepted excluding Applied Science, but must be distinct. We do not consider Biology / Chemistry and Applied Science to be distinct subjects.

A levels and the BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate must be completed within a three year period.

Applicants may repeat or restart Year 12 a single time with no restrictions.

Applicants who are repeating or who have repeated Year 13 must have achieved a minimum score of BB in their A levels, and M in their BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate, in their initial sitting. We are unable to accept equivalence; a minimum score must have been achieved in all subjects.

Applicants applying with predicted grades should have a prediction of no lower than AA plus Merit, or AB plus Distinction.

Applicants applying with achieved grades must have either met the offer requirement, or be resitting to achieve the offer requirement.

International Baccalaureate

Applicants must complete the International Baccalaureate with Biology and Chemistry at higher level. All third subjects are accepted.

Applicants who did not complete a GCSE equivalent will be required to achieve Grade 5 in English Language A and English Lang/Lit A, and Maths at either Standard or Higher Level.

The International Baccalaureate must be completed within a three year period.

Applicants may repeat or restart Year 12 a single time with no restrictions.

Applicants who are repeating or who have repeated Year 13 must have achieved a minimum score of 31, with 5,5,5 at Higher Level in their initial sitting. We are unable to accept equivalence; a minimum score of 5 must have been achieved in all subjects.

Applicants applying with predicted grades should have a prediction of no lower than 35, with 6,6,5 at Higher Level, with 6 in Biology and Chemistry.

Applicants applying with achieved grades must have either met the offer requirement, or be resitting to achieve the offer requirement.

Scottish Highers / Advanced Highers Entry

Applicants must study Biology and Chemistry at Advanced Higher Level.

Applicants must have achieved AAAAB at Higher Level if studying three Advanced Higher Levels, or AAAAA at Higher Level if studying two Advanced Higher Levels.

Highers and Advanced Highers must be completed within a three year period.

Applicants may repeat or restart S5 a single time with no restrictions.

Applicants who are repeating or who have repeated S6 must have achieved a minimum score of BC in Biology and Chemistry at Advanced Higher in their initial sitting.

Applicants applying with predicted grades in their Advanced Highers should have a prediction of no lower than BB in Advanced Higher Biology and Chemistry.

Applicants applying with achieved grades must have either met the offer requirement or be resitting to achieve the offer requirement.

Access programmes

Applicants must have GCSE English Language and Maths at Grade B / 6 or better.

Applicants must have completed one of the following approved Access to HE Diploma (Medicine):

  • Medicine SDM -Truro and Penwith College (CAVA approved)
  • Medicine SDM-Harlow College (CAVA approved)
  • Medicine SDM-East Coast College
  • Medicine SDM- College of West Anglia (CAVA approved)
  • Medicine -East Sussex College Group
  • OCN London Access to HE: Medicine – Morley College
  • Access to Higher Education Diploma: Medicine – York College
  • Access to HE Diploma: Medicine – Leeds City College
  • Access to HE Diploma Medicine – The Sheffield College

Applicants can only apply using an Access qualification if they have not studied Biology and Chemistry A Levels (or equivalent) or a relevant Science degree within the three years previous to starting their Access programme.

Applicants seeking to enter Medicine as a career change may apply having completed a recognised Access programme, provided three or more years have passed since their previous highest achieved qualification.

We do not accept Access courses that have been studied via distance learning.

Degree entry

Applicants must have completed three distinct A Levels (or equivalent), studied and awarded concurrently, and have achieved a minimum of score of BBB in their initial sitting. We are unable to accept equivalence; a minimum score of B must have been achieved in all subjects.

We do not consider Biology and Human Biology to be distinct subjects, and do not accept General Studies, Applied Science, Citizenship, and Critical Thinking.

A Levels must have been completed within a three-year period.

Applicants may have repeated or restarted Year 12 a single time with no restrictions.

Applicants must have achieved or be predicted to achieve a 2.1 or better in their degree programme*.

Applicants must demonstrate sufficient grounding in Biology and Chemistry. This can be from either:

  • A Level Biology and Chemistry (or equivalent) at Grade A, or
  • Equivalent Biology and Chemistry content within your degree*, or
  • An acceptable combination of A Level and degree content (contact us before 1 October in year of application to confirm your eligibility)

*UK Biomedical Science degrees are accepted as meeting this requirement; contact us at before 31 September in the year of application to check your eligibility if studying an alternate programme.

Bradford Foundation in Clinical Sciences

We no longer accept the Bradford Foundation in Clinical Sciences for entry to this programme.


A limited number of applications to enter the Medicine programme in Year 2 are accepted from applicants with a degree in Dentistry. Applicants must be fully registered with the GDC and have obtained the MJDF or MFDS before starting the Medicine programme.

Applicants wishing to apply via this route must also submit an up-to-date copy of their Curriculum Vitae to by 31 September in the year of application.

Applicants who meet the basic entry requirements and the specific dental requirements can be scored for selection for interview.

Contextual admissions

We’re committed to identifying the best possible applicants to study Medicine, regardless of personal circumstances or background. Diversity within the medical profession benefits everyone, including patients.

We know that some students face significant barriers during their journey to university. Our use of contextual admissions promotes fairness and diversity in our community of talented students.

Our contextual admissions take into account your personal background and education as well as your academic achievements. If you are eligible for our contextual admissions, you may be able to access our Reduced or Alternative offers, and fast track to interview.

Find out more about our contextual admissions and check if you are eligible.

UCAT requirements (admissions test)

The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) is used in the selection process by a number of UK medical schools. We believe that an admissions process based entirely on predicted A level achievements doesn't necessarily serve your best interests as an applicant.

Our UCAT requirements are:

  • You are required to take the UCAT in the year of application
  • You will need to achieve Band 1, 2 or 3 in the Situational Judgement Test part of the UCAT

English language requirements

We are unable to accept English Language qualifications where English has been studied as a second language.

  • GCSE or iGCSE English Language Grade B/6 or above, provided this has been studied as a first language
  • AS-level English Language Grade B or above, or A-level English Language or Literature Grade B or above
  • International Baccalaureate score of 5 (SL or HL) in English Language A or English Lang-Lit A
  • IELTS score of 7.5 with a minimum of 7.0 in every component, obtained within the last two years
  • Pearson Test of English (Academic): Total score of 73 with a minimum of 65 in every component obtained in the last two years
  • Cambridge C1 Advanced (formerly Cambridge Assessment of English): Score of 195 with a minimum of 190 in every component obtained in the last two years
  • TOEFL: Total score of 105 with minimum 24 in writing, 26 in speaking and 22 in both listening and reading, obtained in the last two years
  • At interview, if we have any concerns about your English language capability, regardless of your origin, country of upbringing or existing qualifications, we may require you to take an additional English Language test as a condition of any offer we make to you

International applicants

Applicants must meet the entry requirements above or equivalent, either through international versions of these qualifications or through your country-specific qualifications.

If you do not have GCSE equivalent qualifications, we will award an equivalent score for your application based on your school or college Middle Years Programme assessments and your UCAT score.

We will accept deferred international applications to ensure international applicants are aged 18 or over in the year they enrol on to the programme.

A list of acceptable International qualifications can be found below:

  • Afghanistan


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Albania

    Albanian Certificate of Secondary Education

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Algeria

    Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement Secondaire

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Angola

    Habilitação Literárias

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Argentina

    Título de Bachillerato

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Armenia

    Certificate of Secondary Education

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Australia

    You must have the scores given below, all of which must be achieved in a single sitting.

    • Capital Territory, New South Wales: ATAR of at least 98.5, including Biology and Chemistry
    • Northern Territory, South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia: ATAR score of at least 98.5, including Biology and Chemistry
    • Queensland: Overall Position score of 1, including Biology and Chemistry
    • Victoria: ATAR of at least 98.5, including Biology and Chemistry

  • Austria


    You must have 1 (sehr gut) in Biology and Chemistry, and at least 2 (gut) in all other subjects.

  • Azerbaijan

    Azerbaijani Certificate of Secondary Education

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification

  • Bangladesh

    Bangladesh School Leavers Certificate (HSC)

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Belarus

    Certificate of General Secondary Education

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Belgium

    Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs, Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur, Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts

    You must have 8+ in all subjects, and 9+ in Biology and Chemistry.

  • Bhutan


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Bosnia & Herzegovina


    You must have an average of 4 in all subjects, to include Biology and Chemistry.

  • Brazil

    Certificado de Conclusao de 2 Grau, Diploma de Tecnico de Nivel Medio, Concurso Vestibular

    These qualifications are not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement them with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Brunei

    Cambridge Overseas A-levels

    You must meet the normal GCE A-level requirements. Our typical offer is AAA, including A in both Biology and Chemistry, and a third subject at A-level (but not General Studies or Critical Thinking).

  • Bulgaria

    Diploma Za Srendio Obrazovanne

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Cameroon

    GCE A-levels

    You must have AAA in Cameroon GCE A-levels in the first sitting, including Biology and Chemistry.

  • Canada

    You must have either:

    • OSSDs from Ontario: at least 90% in six 4U subjects, including Biology and Chemistry
    • British Columbia Senior Secondary Diploma: at least 90% in five grade 12 subjects, including Biology and Chemistry
    • or the equivalent levels from other provinces.
    • Diplôme d'Études Collégiales (DEC) from Quebec: Satisfactory completion of 2-year Diplôme d'Études Collégiales (DEC / Diploma of Collegial Studies) at CEGEP (Collège d'Enseignement Général et Professionnel / College of General and Professional Education) with a mark of 90% including Biology and Chemistry at 90%." These must be achieved in a single sitting. If you are a graduate, you must have an annual GPA of at least 3.3 throughout the course, with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 out of 4.

  • Chile

    Licencia de Educación Media

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • China

    If you have a Senior High School Diploma, Chinese University Entrance Examination or 'Gaokao', you must supplement these with GCE A-levels in Biology and Chemistry, with grade A in each, achieved in a single sitting. We have separate requirements for Hong Kong, listed elsewhere on this page.

  • Colombia


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Costa Rica


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Croatia


    You must have an average of 4 in all subjects, including Biology and Chemistry.

  • Czech Republic

    Maturitni Zkoušce, Maturita

    You must have at least a Grade 2 (chvalitebny) in all subjects, with Grade 1 (vyborny) in Biology and Chemistry.

  • Denmark

    Studentereksamenor Højere Forberedelsesaksamen

    You must have an overall average of 11, including 11 in Biology and Chemistry.

  • Dominican Republic


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Ecuador


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Egypt

    Certificate of Al-Azhar

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • El Salvador


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Estonia

    Gümnaasiumi Lõputunnistus, including Riigieksam

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Ethiopia

    Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Finland

    You must have four subjects at 6, including Biology and Chemistry, in the Finnish Matriculation Examination Certificate. We'll also require evidence of your English language ability, preferably through a fifth subject at 5 in the same diploma.

  • France


    You must have 15 overall, including 15 in Chemistry and Biology. If you studied for the Option International du Baccalaureat (OIB), you must have 14 overall, including 14 in Chemistry and Biology.

  • Gambia

    Senior Secondary School Leaving Certificate (from West African Examinations Council)

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Georgia

    Georgian Certificate of Secondary Education

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Germany


    You must have 1.3 or less overall, including 13 in Chemistry and Biology as Leistungskurse (major subjects).

  • Ghana

    West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WAEC)

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Greece


    You must have a grade of 19 in your Apolytirion. This will then need to be supplemented by GCE A-levels in Biology and Chemistry, with grade A in each, achieved in a single sitting.

  • Guatemala


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Honduras


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Hong Kong

    If you have a Hong Kong Diploma, you must have passes in all four Core subjects at grades 5,5,5,4, including English language at grade 5. You must also pass three elective subjects at grades 5,5,5. This must include Biology and Chemistry as separate sciences -- we don't accept Integrated Science or Combined Sciences. You must have 5* in Core Maths if you took Extended Maths as an elective. If you have an Advanced Level Certificate, you must have grades AAA, including Biology and Chemistry, achieved in a single sitting.

  • Hungary

    Erettsegi, Matura

    You must have Grade 5 ('jeles') in all subjects, including Biology and Chemistry.

  • India

    Standard XII

    86% overall, 86% in Biology and 86% in Chemistry

  • Indonesia

    Surat Tanda Belajar Sekolah Menengah Umum Tingkat Atas (STTB-SMA)

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Iran


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Iraq


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Ireland

    Irish Leaving Certificate

    You must have six subject passes at Higher level, including grades of at least H1 H1 H1 H2 H2 H2 with H1 in both Biology and Chemistry, achieved in a single sitting

    We also require grade O3 or better in English.

  • Italy

    Diploma di Esame di Stato

    We will consider your application if you have passed (or are predicted to pass) the Diploma di Esami di Stato (opzione Classica/Scientifica) with an overall score of 95 or better. Your Diploma should include Natural Sciences, Italian, English and Mathematics. When you apply, please give results from the final three years at the Liceo.

  • Jamaica


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Japan

    Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shomeisho

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Jordan


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Kazakhstan

    Attestat, Svidetel' stvo o Srednem Obrazovanii, Certificate of Secondary Education

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Kenya


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Kuwait


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Latvia

    Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Lebanon

    Baccalauréat General

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Libya

    Secondary Education Certificate

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Lithuania

    Brandos Atestatas

    You must have an overall average of at least 90% (9.0), with 85% (8.5) in three state examinations. You must supplement these with GCE A-levels in Biology and Chemistry at grade A, achieved in a single sitting.

  • Luxembourg

    Diplôme de Fin d'Etudes Secondaires

    You must have all subjects at 'tres bien' (50+) standard, including Biology and Chemistry.

  • Macedonia

    Macedonian Certificate of Secondary Education

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Malawi

    Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE)

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Malaysia


    You must have STPM (Malaysian Higher School Certificate) grades AAA, including Biology and Chemistry, taken in a single sitting. If you have the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM/Certificate of Education), you will need to supplement this with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Malta

    Advanced Matriculation

    You must have AAA, including Biology and Chemistry, achieved in a single sitting.

  • Mauritius

    Cambridge Overseas A-levels

    You must meet the normal GCE A-level requirements. Our typical offer is AAA, including A in both Biology and Chemistry, and a third subject at A-level (but not General Studies or Critical Thinking).

  • Mexico


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Moldova

    Moldovan Certificate of Secondary Education

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Morocco


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Namibia

    Secondary School Certificate

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Netherlands

    Diploma Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO)

    You must have an overall average of 8, including 9 in both Chemistry and Biology.

  • Nigeria

    West African Senior School Certificate Examination

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Norway

    Vitnemal or Videregaende Opplaering

    4.5 overall, with 655 (including Biology and Chemistry, 6 to be in either Biology or Chemistry)

  • Oman

    Thanawiya Amma

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Pakistan

    Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Paraguay


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Peru


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Poland

    Świadectwo Dojrzałości / Matura (Certificate of Maturity)

    You'll need to achieve 80% in 3 advance level subjects (to include Biology and Chemistry), plus as Pass in Maths.

  • Portugal

    Certificado de fim de Estudios Secundarios/Diploma de Ensino Secundario

    We ask for a score of score of 18/20 overall with at least 18/20 in both Biology and Chemistry. We look for separate Science subjects. We ask for a score of at least 16/20 in Maths.

  • Qatar

    Thanawaya Aa'ma Qatari

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Republic of Korea

    Ilbankye Kodung Hakkyo, High School Diploma

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Romania

    Diploma de Bacalaureat

    You must have an overall average of at least 9. Also: 

    • if you chose not to study Biology in your Diploma de Bacalaureat, you must also take a GCE A-level in Biology, or sit the SAT II Biology subject test and achieve a score of at least 700;
    • if you chose not to study Chemistry in your Diploma de Bacalaureat, you must also take a GCE A-level in Chemistry, or sit the SAT II Chemistry subject test and achieve a score of at least 700.

  • Russia

    Attestat o Srednem Obshchem Obrazovanii

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Saudi Arabia


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Serbia & Montenegro


    You must have an average of 4 in all subjects, and 5 in Biology and Chemistry.

  • Singapore


    You must meet the normal GCE A-level requirements. Our typical offer is AAA, including A in both Biology and Chemistry, and a third subject at A-level (but not General Studies or Critical Thinking).

  • Slovakia


    You must have 'výborný' in Biology and Chemistry, with 'velmi dobrý' in at least two other subjects.

  • South Africa

    National Senior Certificate

    We require 7,7,7,7,6 with Grade 7 in Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Maths. We require a minimum of Grade 6 in English.

  • South Korea

    Bachelor's degree

    You must have a good degree from a recognised institution, with a minimum GPA of 3.0/4.0 or 3.3/4.5.

  • Spain

    Curso de Orientacion Universitaria (COU) / Titulo de Bachillerato (BACH)

    You must have 9 overall, including 9.5 in Chemistry and Biology.

  • Sri Lanka


    You must have grades AAA achieved in a single sitting, including Biology and Chemistry.

  • Sudan

    Sudan School Certificate (SSC)

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Sweden

    Fullstandigt Slutbetyg fran Gymnasieskola

    Slutbetyg Fran Grudskola acceptable at grade 3 or better in lieu of GCSE on a subject for subject basis (except English Language). Maths and sciences must be passed at grade 3 or above.

    Slutbetyg Gymnasieskolan – must have MVG/A in Chemistry, Biology and one other subject and a minimum of B/VG in the remaining subjects.

  • Switzerland

    Federal Maturity Certificate, Certificat de Maturité, Certificat De Maturité Cantonal Reconnu Par La Confédération, Attestato di maturitá, Attestato Di Maturitä Cantonale Riconosciuto Dalla Confederazione

    You must achieve the certificate with a grade 5 in five subjects, including Biology and Chemistry. We will also require evidence of English language ability, preferably by way of grade 4 in English in the diploma.

  • Syria

    Al Shahada Al Thanawiya

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Taiwan

    Senior High School Leaving Certificate

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Tajikistan

    Tajik Certificate of Secondary Education

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Tanzania


    You must have AAA, including Biology and Chemistry, taken in a single sitting.

  • Tunisia


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Turkey

    Secondary School Qualification

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Turkmenistan

    Turkmen Certificate of Secondary Education

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Uganda


    You must have AAA, including Biology and Chemistry, taken in a single sitting.

  • Ukraine

    Secondary School Qualification

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • United Arab Emirates


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification. 

  • United States of America (USA)

    Without a degree

    If you don't have a degree, you will need one of the following:

    • SAT (redesigned from 2016) Evidence-based reading and writing - 650 + SAT (redesigned from 2016) - Maths - 650
    • ACT with a score of at least 28/36

    You will also need one of the following:

    • Four Advanced Placement (APs) test scores at 5,5,5,4 including Biology and Chemistry at 5
    • Or four SAT II (Subject test) test scores at 700,700,700,650 including Biology and Chemistry at 700
    • Or a combination of APs and SAT II tests to total 4 tests in 4 different subjects, including Biology and Chemistry as stipulated above

    With a degree

    If you are a graduate, you will need a degree from an accredited liberal arts college or university with an annual GPA of at least 3.3 throughout the course, and a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5.

    You will also need one of the following:

    • SAT I (Reasoning test) with a score of at least 1300/1600, or 1950/2400
    • Or ACT with a score of at least 28/36

    And you will need one of the following:

    • Three Advanced Placement (APs) test scores at 5,5,4 including Biology and Chemistry at 5
    • Or three SAT II (Subject test) test scores at 700,700,650 including Biology and Chemistry at 700
    • Or a combination of APs and SAT II tests to total 3 tests in 3 different subjects, including Biology and Chemistry as stipulated above

  • Uruguay


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Venezuela


    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Zambia

    Secondary School Qualification

    This qualification is not enough for you to make a competitive entry. You will need to supplement it with GCE A-levels or an equivalent qualification.

  • Zimbabwe

    East African Advanced Certificate of Education

    You must have AAA, including Biology and Chemistry, taken in a single sitting.

Previous medical study

Applicants must discuss their situation with us before applying if they have previously enrolled on another medical degree, either in the UK or another country.

We will only consider accepting applications if they have exceptional circumstances which were approved within our exceptional circumstances deadline of 1 October in the year of application.

Approved exceptional circumstances are only valid for one application cycle and are not transferable.

We do not accept medical student transfers onto our medicine programmes from other UK or international medical schools.