In first year, we had placement in a GP setting and hospital. We alternated each week so we got exposure to primary and secondary care.
A typical day on placement involves firstly going over current content and the tutor can answer any questions you may have. We would then go through our workbooks with the tutor, which was great because the tutor would give us lots of useful information, which is extremely helpful for PBL and lectures.
After this, we would speak to patients relating to the content that we have been studying and take a history from the patient and if necessary, do a clinical examination.
Once the patient has left, the tutor would ask us some questions relating to the case. We would all do a quick summary and relate the patient case to the learning outcomes for the week.
Going on placement enables me to put my knowledge from lectures and PBL into perspective and this really aids my consolidation of topics. I am also able to ask doctors clinical questions and I can make links with science and clinical knowledge.
I really enjoy talking to the patients and listening to their stories because every patient is different and it's interesting to hear how there can be several causes to one problem. This ensures that we're always thinking outside the box.