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Group of students collaborating


CANcer BEhavioural Nutrition and Exercise FeasibilIty Trial


Cindy Forbes

Dr Cindy Forbes

Senior Lecturer in Physical Activity

Miriam Johnson

Professor Miriam Johnson

Professor of Palliative Medicine

Dr Flavia Swan

Research Fellow


2018 - 2023


About this project

Older people with cancer may not be fit enough to cope with some of the cancer treatments.

There is some evidence to suggest that attention to exercise and diet may help people maintain their independence for longer and tolerate treatments better.

The first stage of the study, CANBenefit1, was completed in 2019 and the ongoing second stage, CANBenefit2 ran from 2021 - 2023. 


The purpose of this project was to develop and model a multi-disciplinary activity and nutrition programme for older people with lung cancer that can be tailored to the individual from diagnosis through to advanced disease irrespective of their cancer treatment plan.

Interviews were conducted with patients and their carers, as well as oncology multi-disciplinary team members at oncology centres in Hull and Leeds.

This allowed us to identify the most important essential and desirable components to include in an activity and nutrition programme for older people with lung cancer.


Forbes, C.C., Swan, F., Greenley, S.L. et al. Physical activity and nutrition interventions for older adults with cancer: a systematic review. J Cancer Surviv 14, 689–711 (2020).

Swan F, Chen H, Forbes CC, Johnson MJ, Lind M. CANcer BEhavioural nutrition and exercise feasibility trial (CanBenefit); phase I qualitative interview findings. J Geriatr Oncol. 2021 May;12(4):641-648.


People with lung cancer are often over 65 and have a higher symptom burden compared to other common cancers, impacting quality of life and treatment maintenance. Physical activity and nutrition positively impact quality of life and may reduce treatment-related side effects. However, older adults are often not included in studies.

The purpose of this project is to examine the feasibility and acceptability of a tailored wellbeing (nutrition and activity) program for older adults with lung cancer beginning a new line of systemic anti-cancer therapy.

The study was able to successfully recruit 11 participants (8 in Hull and 3 in York). Data collection was completed in August 2023. Data analysis and preparation of the study results is ongoing.

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