Person-centred care for people with dementia: Improving recognition of symptoms and needs in the acute geriatric environment
Funder: Office and technical support is being provided by Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), along with self-funding by the student. Further funding applications are currently under review.
Supervisor: Professor Fliss Murtagh
The aim of this PhD project is to provide a validated person-centred outcome measure to assess and monitor symptoms and needs in people with advanced dementia, which is acceptable and feasible to use for nurses and relatives in the acute geriatric setting.
Symptom assessment and recognition of needs is challenging in people with advanced dementia. Symptom and needs recognition can be aided and improved by using a person-centred outcome measure, completed by nurses and relatives in the primary care setting.
However, a holistic and easy to use person-centred outcome measure is not yet available for people with advanced dementia in Switzerland. Therefore, the IPOS-Dem, as the only holistic and person-centred outcome measure available for people with advanced dementia, will be fully validated following testing its acceptability in the acute-geriatric setting to inform implementation.