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Older woman with carer

Outcome measures

Wolfson Palliative Care Research Centre

Why we do research on outcomes and outcome measurement

Palliative care is about improving the symptoms and other concerns of those people living with advanced illness, and supporting them and their families to live to the maximum, even if their remaining time is limited.

Without assessing and managing symptoms and other issues (outcomes), and capturing these assessments in a reliable way, and at the level of each person affected, we cannot be sure that our health and social interventions to improve symptoms and provide support are actually working.

Measurement of individual person-level outcomes is therefore absolutely essential. Our work focuses on developing and using meaningful outcome measures and providing training to professionals on how to use measures well to improve care.

Outcomes training resources

Contact us

We welcome enquiries about our research, or if you are interested in collaborating, visiting or postgraduate study with us.