Humber & Yorkshire is heavily reliant on recruiting International Medical Graduates to meet its primary care workforce needs. Doctors who have trained overseas and come over to work in General Practice here are a highly valued contribution to our primary care teams. There has been much work focusing on providing clinical inductions in health service settings – understanding of the NHS and how general practice works in the UK. But less attention has been paid to the personal and family needs of this crucial workforce.
Many of these needs are not medical – in other words not related to professional training but the wider factors that support health and wellbeing. Addressing these needs potentially falls under the remit of Social Prescribing initiatives, but with a distinct focus on new IMGS.
HEE set about with 2 pieces of work. First they developed and implemented a new My Story survey tool to identify needs and problems being experienced by IMGs. TO address the problems identified, they introduced a new Social Prescribing Link Worker dedicated to working with IMGs to address the issues identified.
The Academy of Primary Care has supported HEE in evaluating the work done to consider if and how the service should be sustained.
The PI is Caroline Mills, Health Education England Humber & Yorkshire, and Gareth Harrison.
The Co-Is are Puja Verma, Nicholas Broadwell, and Clare Fozard.