Professor Joanne Reeve


Professor of Primary Care Research

Role at Hull York Medical School

As professor of primary care research, Joanne leads work to build the profile, capacity and impact of primary care and primary care scholarship – locally, nationally and internationally.


Joanne is an academic GP committed to excellence in academic primary care at the heart of the design and delivery of quality primary care. Primary care is the bed rock of the NHS, and is underpinned by a discipline of academic primary care which delivers the workforce, research evidence and strategic vision for practice and policy.

Joanne graduated from Liverpool Medical School in 1997, and started out planning a career in public health medicine. A Masters in Public Health rekindled her interests in the professional, clinical and academic challenges of developing person-centred healthcare. She returned to General Practice and successfully applied for doctoral funding from the NCCRCD (the precursor to NIHR) to look at person-centred management of distress in terminal illness. Following her PhD, she worked in Manchester, Liverpool and Warwick developing a portfolio of work on Primary Care redesign based on the principles of medical generalism (whole person medical care). Her work has been supported by fellowships from the NIHR (including a Clinical Lecturership at Manchester, and a Clinician Scientist Award at Liverpool). Joanne joined Hull York Medical School in 2017 to establish the Academy of Primary Care - championing innovative scholarship driving excellence in primary care provision.


Joanne is internationally known for her expertise in medical generalism. Her research and scholarship focuses on redesign of primary care on expert generalist principles. Current projects target particularly the knowledge work of generalist practice. These include strengthening clinical scholarship for professional practice (WISE GP and the CATALYST programmes); practice redesign for generalist prescribing (TAILOR); and championing modern primary care.

Revitalising medical generalism is an NHS priority, recognised within the Future Doctor Programme and the establishment of the new Enhanced Generalist Skills programme. Joanne is a Subject Matter Expert on the Educational Offer Development Group for this work.


The focus for Joanne's teaching reflects her research areas: in supporting health professionals at all career stages to critically and safely understand and deliver high quality individually tailored medical care. She works with colleagues at Hull York Medical School to develop a programme of research-informed educational materials at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels (including for local Vocational Training Scheme and Protected Learning Time sessions). These include teaching on Goldilocks Medicine, the Principles of Person-Centred Care, Managing Problematic Polypharmacy, Generalist management of common mental health problems, and the principles of the expert generalist consultation.

Joanne is an experienced supervisor at Masters and PhD level, and welcome expressions of interest from students interested in developing primary care projects.


Selected Publications

View more of Joanne's publications.

Reeve J et al Revitalising generalist practice: the Montreal Statement. Annals of Family Medicine 200816(4) 371-373

Reeve J. 2018 Scholarship Based Medicine: teaching tomorrow’s generalists – why its time to retire EBM  . B J Gen Pract 2018 88; 390-391

Reeve J. Primary Care redesign for person-centred care: delivering an international generalist revolution. Australian Journal of Primary Health 2018; 24(4): 330-336

Reeve  J, Fleming J, Britten N, Byng R, Krska J, Heaton J. Identifying enablers and barriers to individually tailored prescribing: a survey of English health care professionals. BMC Fam Pract 2018; 19:17.

Reeve J. Scholarship Based Medicine: teaching tomorrow’s generalists. Why it’s time to retire Evidence Based Medicine.. British Journal of General Practice in press

Reeve J, Byng R. 2017. Realising the full potential of primary care: uniting the ‘two faces’ of generalism. British Journal of General Practice; 67: 292-293.

Reeve J, Firth A. 2017 Revitalising General Practice: unleashing our Inner Scholar. British Journal of General Practice; 67: 266.

Tierney S, Seers K, Tutton L, Reeve J. Enabling the flow of compassionate care: A grounded theory study BMC Health Services Research 2017; 17: 174 DOI 10.1186/s12913-017-2120-8

Reeve J, Cooper L, Harrington S, Rosbottom , Watkins J. 2016. Developing, delivering and evaluating primary mental health care: the co-production of a new complex intervention. BMC Health Services Research; 16: 470.

Heaton J, Britten N, Krska J, Reeve J. 2016. Person-centred medicines optimisation policy in England: An agenda for research on polypharmacy. Primary Health Care Research and Development 2016 doi:10.1017/S1463423616000207.

Reeve J, Cooper L.  2016. Rethinking how we understand individual health care needs for people living with Long Term conditions: a qualitative study. Health and Social Care in the Community 2016; 24(1):27-38.

Katusiime B, Corlett S, Reeve J, Krska J. Measuring medicines related experiences from the patient perspective: a systematic review. Patient Related Outcome Measures 2016; 7: 1-15.

Reeve J. 2015. Supporting Expert Generalist Practice: the SAGE consultation model. British Journal of General Practice 2015; 35:207-208.

Campbell J, Hobbs R, Irish B, Pringle M, Reeve J, Rosenthal J. 2015. UK academic general practice and primary care. Visible? Viable? Invaluable. BMJ; 351: h4164.

Reeve J, Dickenson M, Harris J, Ranson E, Dohnhammar U, Cooper L, Krska J, Byng R, Britten N. 2015 Solutions to problematic polypharmacy: learning from the expertise of patients. British Journal of General Practice 2015; 65: 319-320.

Dohnhammar U, Reeve J, Walley T. 2015. Patient expectations of medicines - a review and qualitative synthesis. Health Expectations. doi: 10.1111/hex.12345

Cleland J, Reeve J, Rosenthal J, Johnston P. 2014. Resisting the tick box culture: refocusing medical education and training. British Journal of General Practice; 64:422-423.

Reeve J, Dowrick C, Freeman G, Gunn J, Mair F, May, C, Mercer S, Palmer V, Howe A, Irving G, Shiner A, Watson J. 2013. Examining the practice of generalist expertise: a qualitative study identifying constraints and solutions. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Short Reports 4: 2042533313510155.

Reeve J, Blakeman T, Freeman GK, Green LA, James P, Lucassen  P, Martin CM, Sturmberg JP, van Weel  C. 2013. Generalist solutions to complex problems: generating practice-based evidence - the example of managing multi-morbidity. BMC Family Practice; 14:112. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2296-14-112. Highly Accessed

Reeve J, Dowrick C, Freeman G, Gunn J, Mair F, May, C, Mercer S, Palmer V, Howe A, Irving G, Shiner A, Watson J. 2013. Examining the practice of generalist expertise: a qualitative study identifying constraints and solutions. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Short Reports 4: 2042533313510155.

Reeve J, Lynch T, Lloyd-Williams M, Payne S. 2012. From personal challenge to technical fix: the risk of depersonalised care. Health and Social Care in the Community; 20:145-154.

Kovandžić M, Chew-Graham C, Reeve J, Edwards S, Peters S, Edge D, Aseem S, Gask L, Dowrick C. 2011. Access to primary mental healthcare for hard-to-reach groups: from 'silent suffering' to 'making it work'. Social Science and Medicine ; 72(5): 763-772.

Reeve J. 2010. Interpretive Medicine: supporting generalism in a changing primary care world. London: Royal College of General Practitioners Occasional Paper Series, 88.


University of Oxford (Kamal Mahtani and Geoff Wong) and University of Liverpool (Ruaraidh Hill and Michelle Maden) - TAILOR project

University of East Anglia (Prof Chris Fox) - development of the TIMES proposal

NHS England Northeast and Yorkshire & Humber Coast and Vale primary care partnership - CATALYST

Health Education England Yorkshire - WISE (work in set up)

Joanne is lead of the Advancing Generalist Expertise Special Interest Group within the North American Primary Care Research Group.

She collaborates with Profs Byng and Britten (PenCLAHRC) and Prof Krska (Medway School, Kent) in developing novel approaches to addressing Problematic Polypharmacy.

Postgraduate research supervision

Joanne is an experienced supervisor at Masters and PhD level. She currently supervises four PhD students: Myriam Dell Olio (Patient knowledge work in Person Centred Care), Dr Sara McKelvie (Clinical decision making in uncertainty), Krissy Tabiner (Engagement with primary healthcare amongst the homeless population), and Becci Lee (Living with chronic illness and homelessness).

Joanne welcomes expressions of interest from students interested in developing primary care projects.

External roles

Chair, Heads of Departments Group - Society for Academic Primary Care

Lead, WISE GP programme ( - a collaboration between SAPC and RCGP

HYMS representative on RCGP Humber Faculty Board

NIHR In Practice Fellowship Panel Chair