TIMES - Tailored Interventions for Managing Sleep Disturbances in Dementia
This study asks can a new whole person approach to understanding and addressing problems with sleep help improve the daily lives of people living with dementia.
It is a 5 year research project with 3 main pieces of work. Firstly we have designed a new generalist intervention. Next we will see if it is possible to run a Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) of our new model (a feasibility study). If we can, we’ll run a full RCT to test the impact of our new approach on patient, practitioner, health care and health economic outcomes.
We have done two pieces of work to develop our intervention.
First we looked at what is already happening. We undertook a realist review of published research to understand what we already know about how to support this patient group. We also spent time in GP practices observing everyday practice – to better understand how care works on the ground. From this, we were able to describe a number of key elements that would be needed in our new intervention.
Next we worked with patients, carers and clinicians to turn what we’d learned from this work into a new intervention for practice. We ran a series of co-creation workshops where we invited everyone to consider what we had learned and how we could put that into practice.
As a result we have described a novel advanced generalist consultation approach to explore, understand and address people’s complex sleep-related health needs. We’re now working with clinicians, practice teams and IT experts to integrate this new approach into staff training, practice IT systems and consultation approaches.
We’ll shortly be starting a feasibility study to examine if it would be possible to run a full RCT of the new way of working. If that is successful, we’ll carry on to a pilot and full RCT.
Professor Joanne Reeve is the Principal Investigator. The Co-Investigators are:
- Andrea Hilton, Molly Megson, Annabelle Machin (Hull York Medical School)
- Chris Fox (Exeter)
- Anne Killett (Co-CI) (UEA)