Remembering the scientific contributions of Professor Miles Whittington
6 June 2022

The Entangled Self 3 Susan Aldworth 2014 etching. Image courtesy of the artist and TAG Fine Arts.
Remembering the scientific contributions of Professor Miles Whittington
15 September 2022
13:00-18:00 (Buffet reception from 18:00-20:00)
Ron Cooke Hub, University of York
Miles Whittington sadly passed away in October 2021. This scientific symposium is an opportunity to reflect on his career and his contribution to neuroscience.
Speakers include:
Roger Traub, IBM Research Centre, New York, USA
Nancy Kopell, William Fairfield Warren Distinguished Professor, Boston University, USA and Co-Director of the Centre for Computational Neuroscience and Neural Technology
Hannah Monyer, Professor of Neurobiology, University of Heidelberg, Germany.
The symposium will be followed by a buffet reception.
Colleagues, students and friends welcome.
Event programme
Event poster