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Medicine students outside Hull Royal Infirmary

Equality, diversity and inclusion

Here at Hull York Medical School, we are committed to creating an environment that enables all our staff and students to achieve their potential, whilst they experience and celebrate diverse cultures, knowledge and identities.


We believe in representing our society, in all its diversity

Here at Hull York Medical School, we are committed to creating an environment that enables all our staff and students to achieve their potential, whilst they experience and celebrate diverse cultures, knowledge and identities.

We want all our staff and students to be an integral part of our community. We are committed to ensuring that everybody is treated fairly and according to their individual needs by translating good intentions into real changes and practices.

We are proud to have been awarded the Athena SWAN Silver Award in September 2019. We are delighted to be recognised by Athena SWAN for our commitment and work in supporting gender equality.

Medical students and their clinician supervisor on a clinical placement in ED at Hull Royal Infirmary
Medicine students in an anatomy demonstration with Lauren Clunie
Athena SWAN Silver Award

What is equality, diversity and inclusion?

As defined by the University of York equality, diversity and inclusion strategy, what we mean by these terms are:

  • Equality: A fundamental part of a fair society in which everyone can have the best possible chance to succeed in life. (Discrimination Law Review).
  • Diversity: Recognising that everyone is different in a variety of visible and non-visible ways, and that those differences are to be recognised, respected and valued.
  • Inclusion: The active creation of a learning, working and social environment that is welcoming, which recognises and celebrates difference and is reflected in structures, practices and attitudes.

How are we advancing practices?

We are committed to valuing and celebrating diversity, and to advancing equality and inclusive practice in all our activities.

Find out more about some of the ways we are doing this below:

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC) is made up of academic staff, professional services staff and students, which together work to ensure our values are embedded throughout all of our activities.

The EDIC is a subcommittee of the Medical School Management Board. It is where the Medical School leadership meets with the Human Resources/Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Offices of both the Universities of Hull and York, representatives from staff networks, trade unions and student representatives.

Equality, diversity and inclusion are matters for all staff and students and we encourage anyone who wishes to raise issues or suggestions for the committee to get in touch with one of our members.

​The EDIC has as its core the mission to:

  • Develop strategy for equality, diversity and inclusion;
  • Monitor equality, diversity and inclusion matters;
  • Evaluate action and progress made in key areas of activity e.g. Athena SWAN;
  • Provide support and guidance for the Medical School and our parent Universities’ equality, diversity and inclusion strategy, policies and action plans;
  • Proactively advance equality and inclusive practice in our staff and student recruitment and admissions processes, in our research activity, in our teaching, within the School environment and in the experiences we offer to our academic and professional services and the student community.

Equality, diversity and inclusion factsheet (PDF)

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion champions

Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) champions promote awareness of equality, diversity and inclusion issues in the day-to-day operation of Hull York Medical School, working in collaboration with the EDI offices of our parent universities.

The roles are to:

  • Be an active member of our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC) and contribute to the development and management of the EDIC action plan.

  • Identify equality, diversity and inclusion priorities and develop appropriate actions to address these.

  • Attend and contribute to Hull York Medical School self-assessment team meetings for AdvanceHE Equality Charters (e.g. Athena SWAN).

  • Attend and contribute to Faculty and University self-assessment team meetings for AdvanceHE Equality Charters (e.g. Athena SWAN, Race Equality Charter).

  • Raise awareness of equality, diversity and inclusion issues/activities, share best practice and celebrate diversity within Hull York Medical School.

  • Be familiar with relevant policies and legislation.

  • Contribute to the organisation of events for national and international equality celebration dates (e.g. Black History Month, International Women’s Day, Pride, etc.).

  • Liaise with EDI champions from other departments within the University.

  • Attend training and network events as necessary.

  • Be willing to speak out about equality in a variety of settings.

Who are our EDI champions?

Each of our EDI champions are responsible for promoting awareness of equality, diversity and inclusion issues for certain protected characteristics:

Name Protected characteristic
Dr Alex Young Gender
Dr Amaya Ellawala Race and Ethnicity
Vacant post Religion and Belief
Hazel Saleh Disability
Dr Fran Oldale LGBTQ+
Athena SWAN

We are proud to have been awarded the Athena SWAN Silver Award in September 2019. We are delighted to be recognised by Athena SWAN for our commitment and work in supporting gender equality.

The Athena SWAN Charter process recognises commitment to advancing women’s careers in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM). By being part of Athena SWAN, we are committed to a progressive charter; adopting these principles within our policies, practices, action plans and culture.

Find out more about our Athena SWAN Silver Award

Athena SWAN Silver Award
BMA racial harassment charter for medical schools

Hull York Medical School has signed up to the BMA racial harassment charter for medical schools. The charter, launched in 2020 by the British Medical Association following an Equality and Human Rights Commission report, aims to address the barriers faced by Black, Asian or other minority ethnic (BAME) students.

The charter sets out clear standards for medical schools, including support and training for staff and students on how to respond when racial harassment or discrimination is seen or experienced.

In adopting the charter, the Hull York Medical School has committed to providing an inclusive and supportive environment which celebrates diversity specifically:

  • Supporting individuals to speak out should they witness or experience discrimination

  • Ensuring robust processes for reporting and handling complaints

  • Mainstreaming equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) across the learning environment

  • Addressing racial harassment on work placements

The School’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee will continue to oversee activity in this area, working with the EDI champions, staff and students to promote awareness, equality and inclusion.

Download the BMA racial harassment charter for medical schools (PDF).