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Students talking to a member of the Student Support Team

Student support

We recognise that there may be times when you need support to help you manage academic or personal pressures and we are here to help. The information on this page will guide you through the support channels available to you as a Hull York Medical School student. There is always someone available to help you, 24/7.

University support services

The following services are available to all Hull York Medical School students, regardless of your university of registration.

University of Hull Student Assistance Programme (SAP)

University of Hull’s Student Assistance Programme offers 24/7 support, delivered in partnership with Health Assured. They can help you with anything that’s impacting on your mental health and wellbeing. You might be feeling stressed about exams, feeling anxious, homesick or lonely.

Any Hull York Medical School student can access the SAP. You can access this service regardless of your location, and whether you are away from university or overseas.

  • Freephone 0800 028 3766 - 24/7 helpline to speak to a trained and compassionate counsellor
  • Download the My Healthy Advantage app (use unique code MHA148306) to speak to someone through live chat, arrange a video call, or access a range of extra wellbeing resources

University of Hull Student Services

The University of Hull’s Mental Health support services can help you in lots of different ways depending on your personal situation. This might include a one-to-one session, referrals to local specialist services, guidance in using online resources, and individual learning support plans.

For students with more complex difficulties, the team can work with you to plan and co-ordinate support within and outside of the university, including collaborating with academic departments and NHS services.

University of York Open Door

Open Door provides confidential advice and support to students experiencing psychological or mental health difficulties.

We have a dedicated Open Door Mental Health Practitioner who provides support, wherever you are based.

Although all Hull York Medical School students can access the Mental Health Practitioner, if you are a Hull registered student who requires ongoing mental health support you may still be referred to the Hull Mental Health team in order for you to access all support available to you.

To make an appointment:

Medical School support

Hull York Medical School Student Wellbeing Team

Our dedicated Student Wellbeing Team provide pastoral support to Hull York Medical School students who are experiencing an issue which is impacting on their studies.

The Team provide guidance about the appropriate services at our universities or Medical School which can help you in your circumstances, including signposting to appropriate academic support.

You can find details of these services, and lots of other useful information about health and wellbeing, in the Student Wellbeing Team’s area on Blackboard (student login required).

If you believe a meeting with a senior member of the Student Wellbeing Team would be beneficial in managing your circumstances, please complete our meeting request form. We will organise for you to meet with one of our Senior Advisors (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday).

We take confidentiality very seriously and have measures in place to guard any information shared with and held by the Medical School. Information would only be shared elsewhere with a student’s explicit consent unless there were exceptional circumstances and it was lawful to do so.

Contact the Team at:

If you are concerned about a student

If you are concerned about another student, whether that’s a friend, family member or any other member of our student community, you can raise a concern through their university of registration:

Alternatively, you can contact our Student Wellbeing Team and raise a concern: Please be aware that without a student’s consent, we may be limited in terms of what action we can take. However, we still encourage you to report any concerns you may have, as we may still be able to support them and you.

Information for parents

We understand that the transition to university can be a difficult time for parents and carers. We take the wellbeing of our students seriously and our programmes are centred around a supportive and encouraging learning environment. Our tutors and staff take the time to get to know our students personally and foster a supportive culture.

However, if you are worried about your child, please do talk to us. If you have any concerns with regards to their mental health and wellbeing, please contact our Student Wellbeing Team:

Please be aware that we take the confidentiality of our students very seriously so we will only be able to share any information with you with your child’s permission.

NHS mental health services

Talk to your GP

All students should register with a doctor as soon as possible after arriving at university. You'll need to talk to your GP to use some mental health services.

Your doctor can diagnose your mental health needs and offer guidance and medical treatment. Your doctor may prescribe medication but they can also help you access talking therapies and psychological treatment.

Search the NHS website for GP surgeries in your area.

NHS talking therapies services

You can refer yourself directly to your local NHS talking therapies service without a referral from a GP, although you will need to be registered with a GP.

The service offers talking therapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), counselling, other therapies, and guided self-help. It offers help for common mental health problems, like anxiety and depression.

Other sources of support


Mind offer a range of services, including one-to-one support, counselling, and group support.

Papyrus – Prevention of Young Suicide

Papyrus’ HOPELINEUK offers confidential support and advice:

York Safe Haven

York Safe Haven offers a walk-in service for people in York and Selby – no appointment needed.

Report with Support

Misconduct and discrimination

We are committed to providing an inclusive community and a safe and supportive environment for our students, staff and partners.

Our Dignity at Work and Study Policy (PDF) outlines our approach to tackling harassment, bullying and hate incidents.

If you have experienced or witnessed harassment, bullying or hate incidents of any kind then you should contact the Student Wellbeing Team in the first instance via email:

Reporting an incident

Once you have considered the options for informal resolution as outlined in the Dignity at Work and Study Policy (PDF), you can use the reporting tools linked below. These are used to formally report an incident of serious misconduct including harassment, hate incidents and sexual violence and are open to all Hull York Medical students. There are two ways in which you can report: anonymously, or with contact details.

If you report with contact details then a member of staff will contact you to discuss next steps and advise of support available to you. If you report anonymously then the information you provide will help to inform our work in preventing incidents of this nature in the future.

Our Universities also have a range of guidance and support: visit the University of Hull student support information or the University of York's Report and Support website.