M. Sawdon & JC. McLachlan. (2020) ‘10% of your medical students will cause 90% of your problems’: a prospective correlational study. BMJ Open 2020; 10:e038472. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-038472
M. Sawdon, K. Whitehouse, GM. Finn, JC. McLachlan, & D. Murray. (2017) Relating professionalism and conscientiousness to develop an objective, scalar, proxy measure of professionalism in anaesthetic trainees. BMC Medical Education. 2017; 17:49. DOI: 10.1186/s12909-017-0891-6
M. Kelly, S. O'Flynn, JC. McLachlan, M. Sawdon. The Clinical Conscientiousness Index: a valid tool to explore professionalism in the clinical undergraduate setting. Academic Medicine. 2012;87:1218-1224
Finn, G., Sawdon, M., Clipsham, L. & McLachlan JC. Peer estimates of low professionalism correlate with low Conscientiousness Index scores. Medical Education 2009; 43(9): 960-967. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2923.2009.03453.x
M. Sawdon & JC. McLachlan. Conscientiousness predicts later medical school and post-graduation performance, can be used for selection, and is a major component of professionalism. Ottawa, Lyon Hybrid Conference, August 2022
M. Sawdon, I. Smith & JC. McLachlan. The relationship between conscientiousness as measured by a short, 10-item Big Five personality inventory and the Conscientiousness Index. ASME, Aberdeen, July 2022
M. Sawdon & JC. McLachlan. Measuring professionalism through conscientiousness. International Conference on Medical Education (ICME). Virtual Conference. April 2021
M. Sawdon & JC. McLachlan. The predictive validity of the Conscientiousness Index in preclinical medical education for later clinical performance: a pilot study. Ottawa Conference on the Assessment of Competence in Medicine and the Healthcare Professions, March 2020, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (delivered remotely due to COVID-19)