Raine, G., Evans, C., Uphoff, E. P., Brown, J. V. E., Crampton, P. E., Kehoe, A., ... & Morgan, J. E. (2022). Strengthening the clinical academic pathway: a systematic review of interventions to support clinical academic careers for doctors and dentists. BMJ open, 12(9), e060281.
Brown, J. V., Crampton, P. E., Finn, G. M., Morgan, J. E., & Project Team. (2020). From the sticky floor to the glass ceiling and everything in between: protocol for a systematic review of barriers and facilitators to clinical academic careers and interventions to address these, with a focus on gender inequality. Systematic reviews, 9, 1-7.
Finn, G. M., Crampton, P., Buchanan, J. A., Balogun, A. O., Tiffin, P. A., Morgan, J. E., ... & Kehoe, A. (2022). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the research activity and working experience of clinical academics, with a focus on gender and ethnicity: a qualitative study in the UK. BMJ open, 12(6), e057655.
Kehoe, A., Crampton, P., Buchanan, J., Tiffin, P., Balogun-Katung, A., Morgan, J., & Finn, G. (2022). Tips to support the recruitment, retention, and progression of clinical academics. Medical Science Educator, 32(2), 503-509.
Two reports have been produced:
- Finn GM, Morgan J et al (2020). From the sticky floor to the glass ceiling and everything in between: A systematic review and qualitative study focusing on gender inequalities in Clinical Academic careers. Final report. Commissioned by: NIHR Academy, Academy of Medical Sciences, Cancer Research UK, Health Education England, Medical Research Council, and Wellcome Trust. Download the full report (DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35907.32809)
- Finn GM, Morgan J et al (2021). Inequalities in UK clinical academic careers: a systematic review and qualitative study. Short report. Commissioned by: NIHR Academy, Academy of Medical Sciences, Cancer Research UK, Health Education England, Medical Research Council, and Wellcome Trust. Download the short report (DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14667.92966)
A summmary video of the main results is also available on YouTube.
The project has already had a number of positive outputs, including conference presentations, available via YouTube.
The project has also made impact, for example the changes in Athena SWAN restrictions placed upon funding applications and a cross-funder letter to universities asking them to consider how they create supportive research culture.
Project updates are accessible via the project Twitter account @GenderClinical
Professor Gabrielle Finn and the Health Professions Education team led the qualitative studies and the development of the intervention plan. Dr Jess Morgan and the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination led the Systematic Review, the protocol for which can be accessed on the BMC website.