Dr Richard Bodington


Clinical Research Fellow and Educator

Role at Hull York Medical School

I am in the process of transitioning to take over the role of design, co-ordination and delivery of the pharmacology, prescribing and therapeutics components of the MB BS and MSc PA programmes from Prof David Hepburn. I am also undertaking an MD in Medical Education at HYMS looking into the teaching of medicines reconciliation, review and deprescribing.


I am a graduate of HYMS and subsequently moved to the West Midlands where I took on roles as a clinical education fellow for Warwick and Buckingham medical schools whilst undertaking my early clinical training. In 2019 I moved back to Yorkshire where I took on roles as a PBL and CS tutor at HYMS alongside a role as a renal clinical research fellow. I then moved into renal and GIM training, based predominantly in Sheffield, and my current role at HYMS represents an out-of-program research post.


I teach on the pharmacology, prescribing and therapeutics components of the MB BS and MSc PA programmes.
