Hull York joins forces with fellow medical schools and the Sutton Trust to deliver work experience conference
7 June 2021

Between 2 and 4 June 2021, the online conference welcomed 200 aspiring doctors from around the country to discover more about life as a medical professional.
Hull York Medical School is proud to have collaborated with the Sutton Trust and the medical schools of Imperial College, Newcastle University and the University of Nottingham to deliver an inaugural online Work Experience Conference, as part of its flagship Pathways to Medicine programme.
The pioneering three-day conference, which welcomed 200 aspiring doctors from colleges and sixth forms across the country, gave attendees the unique opportunity to follow a patient journey, from injury to treatment and recovery, observing how different doctors and health specialists are involved in a patient’s care.
Dr Paul Whybrow, Academic Lead for Widening Participation said:
‘By collaborating with the Sutton Trust and our fellow medical schools to run the work experience conference we hope to inspire those who are considering a career in medicine and offer insight and guidance to help their decision making.’
Each day, attendees joined live sessions hosted by clinicians, who talked through their treatment and care for the patient. These sessions were supported by additional content on the Sutton Trust Online platform that students could use to further their learning and understanding of the medical profession. Students also took part in exploratory group tasks and completed a reflective diary.
The conference brought together clinicians from across the UK to inspire and inform attendees and offered a valuable experience for students who have not had the opportunity to attend work experience in person this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Several of Hull York Medical School’s own clinical tutors delivered sessions, including Mr George Spink, PBL tutor and Consultant Neurosurgeon, Dr Greg Purssord, Anaesthetist, and Dr Anna Hammond, Director of Communication Skills Teaching at Hull York, and practising GP.
The conference formed part of Hull York Medical School’s flagship Pathways to Medicine programme. Now in its 6th year and delivered in partnership with the Sutton Trust, the programme is a widening participation initiative which supports sixth form students aspiring to study medicine at university; providing them with insight into the medical profession and supporting them through the application process.